
Showing posts from November, 2020

My 2020 Christmas Letter

            Season's Greetings            Christmas 2020            Well, the 2020 U.S. presidential election and the Covid - 19 pandemic certainly dominated the news this past year, didn't they? But one bright ray of hope that nearly all Americans either missed or quickly glossed over was the announcement of the Abraham Accords, leading to the normalization of relations between Israel and three of her Arab neighbors: The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan, with more Arab neighbors very likely to follow suit in the coming years. This will certainly be a highlight of President Trump's legacy.           From my son, Johnathan, 39 :   In March, Johnathan, Carissa, Hunter and Kennedy went to Jupiter, FL to see the St. Louis Cardinals play in spring training, but ended up missing the game by one day due new COVID restrictions. So, they decided to make due by bumping up their trip to Orlando and visiting Disney World on the very last day before they closed.  They had al